May 28, 2021

25. Your Business Is A Jigsaw Puzzle. In Order To Grow You Must Align All The Pieces.

25. Your Business Is A Jigsaw Puzzle. In Order To Grow You Must Align All The Pieces.

We can map out the life you want to live and the business you want to build.

We'll remove anything you don't like and you can add on as you see fit.

But here's the thing: We can't build it all at once.

So think of it like a #JigsawPuzzle.

First, we need to know exactly what the final picture looks like. This is called strategy mapping.

Then all we have to do is put it together piece by piece. This is strategy execution.

Some pieces will focus on business. Some pieces will focus on marketing. Some pieces will focus on growth. Some pieces will focus on social media. Some pieces will focus on branding. Some pieces will focus on community. Some pieces will focus on mindset, and so forth.

All of these pieces together will complete the vision you so desperately want to build through your business.

You see, I have strategy solutions that focus on each one of these pieces individually but are also stackable.

In stacking these strategy solutions, we'll accelerate the completion of the vision that you want for your business and for yourself.

Learn how to put the pieces of your #JigsawPuzzle together in episode 25 of iDigress.

We can map out the life you want to live and the business you want to build.

We'll remove anything you don't like and you can add on as you see fit.

But here's the thing: We can't build it all at once.

So think of it like a jigsaw puzzle.

First, we need to know exactly what the final picture looks like. This is called strategy mapping.

Then all we have to do is put it together piece by piece. This is strategy execution.

Some pieces will focus on business. Some pieces will focus on marketing. Some pieces will focus on growth. Some pieces will focus on social media. Some pieces will focus on branding. Some pieces will focus on community. Some pieces will focus on mindset, and so forth.

All of these pieces together will complete the vision you so desperately want to build through your business.

You see, I have strategy solutions that focus on each one of these pieces individually but are also stackable.

In stacking these strategy solutions, we'll accelerate the completion of the vision that you want for your business and for yourself.

If you’re internally screaming yes to any of these questions, connect with Troy below to discover how you can finally get the answers and solutions you need!


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