Nov. 25, 2020

Ep 10. The Future Of Marketing Is Leaving The 5 Ps And Embracing The 4 Es.

Ep 10. The Future Of Marketing Is Leaving The 5 Ps And Embracing The 4 Es.

What is the future of marketing?

Where is marketing going?

How should I market in 2021?

Technology is changing.

Socioeconomics is changing.

We're living in a pandemic.

This all influences consumer habits and, consequently, marketing.

People have pushed the four P's forever.

The future of marketing is going to drop the Four P's (product, price place, and promotion) and elevate the Four E's.

This new approach to the customer value proposition embodies Engagement, Exclusivity, Experience, and Emotion.

More on this in Ep 10, #Future

What is the future of marketing?

Where is marketing going?

How should I market in 2021?

Technology is changing.

Socioeconomics is changing. 

We're living in a pandemic.

This all influences consumer habits and, consequently, marketing. 

People have pushed the Four Ps forever.

The future of marketing is going to drop the Four Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) and elevate the Four Es.

This new approach to the customer value proposition embodies Engagement, Exclusivity, Experience, and Emotion. 

More on this in Ep10, #Future



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